
Die Help, Hub, Hero

Video Content Strategy

The strategy according to Help, Hub and Hero is a framework

for the systematic development of a sustainable and plannable YouTube channel.

It's about categorizing videos and creating them properly

of goal-oriented formats that create audience growth.


The Help content (“Hygiene”) designed to attract audience based on searches and interests.


The Hub, or the place where you regularly publish new content to your community and audience.


This is the hero in content designed to inspire and shock viewers.


ongoing - Search Content

Help videos, also known as “hygiene,” are created and tailored to the specific interests of the target consumer. They are typically timeless videos.

These videos are usually found through relevant searches, keywords or references from the hero video and attract interested audiences to the channel. The Help Content therefore represents the important pillar for content-related searches.

Tutorials and How To formats are to be understood as help videos and usually answer specific user questions. It is important to address search-relevant topics with the help videos and to keep them as timeless as possible in order to bring sustainable content to the channel that attracts new viewers to the channel's audience at all times.


episodic, regular

Hub videos give the channel the basic concept and regular content.

The videos are published according to a defined rhythm and are aimed at fans and subscribers of the channel. The videos are always produced in the same style and work as a series. This way the audience gets used to a format and looks forward to new episodes in the stream.

The videos are created in a uniform and recurring format, which does not have to be complex.

The continuous publication time is not only important for the viewers but also for the YouTube algorithm, which also “learns” and distributes and suggests its suggestions to the viewers accordingly.


selective, campaign-like

The content of “Hero Videos” is used in addition to the background noise on the channel and is intended to attract new viewers and activate them for the channel.

The videos here are more complex and usually produced with a larger budget than help and hub videos. Their purpose is to address new viewers, gain subscribers and anchor the brand, product or video as such in the viewer's memories. In addition, they offer the option of being distributed virally by viewers through “likes” and “shares”.

Hero content can be assumed to be typical commercials that are designed for the masses. For example, all current Christmas videos or spots at the Superbowl.

Unfortunately, a successful channel on YouTube doesn't happen overnight.

It takes a suitable strategy and planning, perseverance and regular new videos with the right content that fits the communication and interests of the customer audience.

As a guide for the right strategy and suitable concepts, the Help, Hub and Hero strategy can definitely help you build and successfully optimize the three pillars of your own channel broadcaster.

For proper implementation, we also recommend a topic plan and editorial planning to do justice to the content and to synchronize the videos with the cross-media communications at relevant times.

Publishing intervals with Help-Hub-Hero

planned to build reach with Help-Hub-Hero

Recommendations within measures with Help-Hub-Hero

Let's talk!Yeah 🎊 Hit the Piñata.

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